2020-03-15 10:26:50 -04:00
< ? php
* The Header for our theme .
* Displays all of the < head > section and everything up till < div id = " content " >
2020-03-19 18:01:57 -04:00
2020-03-15 10:26:50 -04:00
?> <!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- [ if IE ] > < html < ? php language_attributes (); ?> class="ie"> <![endif]-->
<!-- [ if ! ( IE )] ><!--> < html < ? php language_attributes (); ?> > <!--<![endif]-->
< head >
< meta charset = " <?php bloginfo( 'charset' ); ?> " />
< link rel = " profile " href = " http://gmpg.org/xfn/11 " />
2020-03-15 21:57:21 -04:00
2020-10-30 11:01:52 -04:00
2020-03-15 10:26:50 -04:00
< script type = " text/javascript " >
WebFontConfig = {
custom : { families : [ 'OFLSortsMillGoudyRegular' , 'OFLSortsMillGoudyItalic' ],
urls : [ '<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/fonts/OFL-Sorts-Mill-Goudy/ofl-normal.css' ,
'<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/fonts/OFL-Sorts-Mill-Goudy/ofl-italic.css' ] }
( function () {
var wf = document . createElement ( 'script' );
wf . src = ( 'https:' == document . location . protocol ? 'https' : 'http' ) +
'://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/webfont/1/webfont.js' ;
wf . type = 'text/javascript' ;
wf . async = 'true' ;
var s = document . getElementsByTagName ( 'script' )[ 0 ];
s . parentNode . insertBefore ( wf , s );
</ script >
2020-03-19 18:01:57 -04:00
< noscript >< link rel = " stylesheet " type = " text/css " media = " all " href = " <?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/css/noscript.css " /></ noscript >
2020-10-30 11:01:52 -04:00
2020-11-18 16:59:23 -05:00
2020-11-19 20:16:26 -05:00
< style >
2020-11-25 20:49:21 -05:00
/* color: black; */
text - align : left ;
/* background-color: #9BC8E8; */
background - color : #e5eecc;
border : solid 1 px #c3c3c3;
/* column-count: 4; */
padding : 20 px ;
display : none ;
margin : 0 0 20 px 0 ;
#panel a {
/* color:black; */
2020-11-18 16:59:23 -05:00
2020-11-19 20:16:26 -05:00
. bar1 , . bar2 , . bar3 {
width : 35 px ;
height : 5 px ;
background - color : #777;
margin : 6 px 0 ;
transition : 0.4 s ;
. change . bar1 {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( - 45 deg ) translate ( - 9 px , 6 px );
transform : rotate ( - 45 deg ) translate ( - 9 px , 6 px );
. change . bar2 { opacity : 0 ;}
. change . bar3 {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( 45 deg ) translate ( - 8 px , - 8 px );
transform : rotate ( 45 deg ) translate ( - 8 px , - 8 px );
#flip {
margin : - 40 px 0 0 90 % ;
2020-11-18 16:59:23 -05:00
2020-11-25 20:49:21 -05:00
#slidedown-widget-area { margin: 20px; }
. slidedown - widget - container {}
div #slidedown-widget-area input#s {
width : 55 % ;
div #slidedown-widget-area input#searchsubmit { margin: 0 10px 0 20px; }
. slidedown - widget - area { width : 45 % ;}
. widget - float - left { float : left ;}
. widget - float - right {
float : right ;
2020-12-19 19:44:05 -05:00
h3 . slidedown - widget - title {
font - size : 1.3 em ;
2020-11-25 20:49:21 -05:00
2020-11-18 16:59:23 -05:00
</ style >
2020-03-15 10:26:50 -04:00
< title >< ? php
* Print the < title > tag based on what is being viewed .
global $page , $paged ;
wp_title ( '|' , true , 'right' );
// Add the blog name.
bloginfo ( 'name' );
// Add the blog description for the home/front page.
$site_description = get_bloginfo ( 'description' , 'display' );
if ( $site_description && ( is_home () || is_front_page () ) )
echo " | $site_description " ;
// Add a page number if necessary:
if ( $paged >= 2 || $page >= 2 )
echo ' | ' . sprintf ( __ ( 'Page %s' , 'twentyten' ), max ( $paged , $page ) );
?> </title>
< link rel = " pingback " href = " <?php bloginfo( 'pingback_url' ); ?> " />
< ? php if ( is_singular () ) wp_enqueue_script ( " comment-reply " ); ?>
< ? php wp_head (); ?>
2020-11-18 16:59:23 -05:00
< script >
jQuery ( document ) . ready ( function (){
jQuery ( " #flip " ) . click ( function (){
jQuery ( " #panel " ) . slideToggle ();
2020-11-19 20:16:26 -05:00
jQuery ( " #flip " ) . toggleClass ( " change " );
2020-11-18 16:59:23 -05:00
</ script >
2020-03-15 10:26:50 -04:00
</ head >
< body < ? php body_class (); ?> >
< div id = " wrapper " >
2020-03-19 18:01:57 -04:00
< ? php /* Our navigation menu. If one isn't filled out, wp_nav_menu falls back to wp_page_menu. The menu assiged to the primary position is the one used. If none is assigned, the menu with the lowest ID is used. */ ?>
2020-11-19 20:16:26 -05:00
2020-03-19 18:01:57 -04:00
2020-03-15 10:26:50 -04:00
< div id = " header " >
< ? php $heading_tag = ( is_home () || is_front_page () ) ? 'h1' : 'div' ; ?>
<< ? php echo $heading_tag ; ?> id="site-title">
< a href = " <?php echo home_url( '/' ); ?> " title = " <?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) ); ?> " rel = " home " >< ? php bloginfo ( 'name' ); ?> </a>
</< ? php echo $heading_tag ; ?> >
< div id = " site-description " >< ? php bloginfo ( 'description' ); ?> </div>
</ div ><!-- #header-->
2020-11-19 20:16:26 -05:00
< div id = " flip " > < div class = " bar1 " ></ div >
< div class = " bar2 " ></ div >
< div class = " bar3 " ></ div ></ div >
2020-11-18 16:59:23 -05:00
< div id = " panel " >
2020-11-19 21:15:19 -05:00
< ? php wp_nav_menu ( array ( 'container_class' => 'melville_header_menu' , 'theme_location' => 'slidedown-menu' ) ); ?>
< ? php get_sidebar ( 'slidedown' ); ?>
2020-11-19 20:16:26 -05:00
< div style = " clear: both " ></ div >
2020-11-18 16:59:23 -05:00
</ div >
2020-03-19 18:01:57 -04:00
< div id = " content " >