7afd8eca76updated styling for moblie, fixed classes and IDs for slidedown widget areas
Jacob Haddon
2020-11-25 20:49:21 -05:00
254db6f3bfadded the sidebar php for the new widget area. lots to style now.
Jacob Haddon
2020-11-19 21:16:02 -05:00
23bb31595cupdated with new widget functions.
Jacob Haddon
2020-11-19 21:15:19 -05:00
9ea8e156a1clean up of style.css to fix branch mania
Jacob Haddon
2020-11-19 20:34:52 -05:00
669f19560edarkmode saved from popmenu branch (it's a mess)
Jacob Haddon
2020-11-19 20:24:36 -05:00
343c961552removed top border from comments section.
Jacob Haddon
2020-11-19 20:18:11 -05:00
abc5cb369dupdated menu configs and dark mode tweaks
Jacob Haddon
2020-11-19 20:16:26 -05:00
97cf9cb1a0first additions for a pop down menu, rather than the new one at the top
Jacob Haddon
2020-11-18 16:59:23 -05:00
c6ef6cc3ffmenu css updated to match php, with corrections for z, goudy font cleanup
Jacob Haddon
2020-11-10 17:26:12 -05:00
4bc7160afbminor updates to function and class names
Jacob Haddon
2020-11-09 22:26:01 -05:00
19d8005a57commented out font loading javascript, undecded if we are keeping it.
Jacob Haddon
2020-10-30 11:01:52 -04:00
0448e43143updates to image sizes to fix issues, added sticky mods
Jacob Haddon
2020-10-30 11:00:34 -04:00
29183e648aremoved overflow from #wrapper moved to #footer, need to see if was needed in #wrapper
Jacob Haddon
2020-10-25 22:11:33 -04:00
792846f9d5added footer widget php file
Jacob Haddon
2020-10-25 21:43:56 -04:00
fa5cc5c5c9fixed footer widget references, massing file clean up organization
Jacob Haddon
2020-10-25 21:38:28 -04:00
0eb0a29a0bupdated to wide and full width CSS, still need to fix overflow;hidden, updated caption font and font size
Jacob Haddon
2020-10-25 19:51:00 -04:00
f68a84ad76added wide image theme support (need to clean up this file)
Jacob Haddon
2020-10-25 19:33:38 -04:00
c53c329a46changed list style, ordered has numbers, ordered, added m-dash
Jacob Haddon
2020-10-25 16:54:37 -04:00
c71d7b846fadded wordwrap to body tag for extra long words / titles
Jacob Haddon
2020-10-25 16:51:44 -04:00
7a87a0a75aupdated footer to allow for widgets, updated css.
Jacob Haddon
2020-06-29 19:18:54 -04:00
f755fd3541moved divs to change spacing, CSS to match, will now shrink with screen
Jacob Haddon
2020-06-29 16:23:28 -04:00
cda9ac5e6dcombined font and size declarations into one place. Drop cap updated to match previous design.
Jacob Haddon
2020-06-28 19:19:58 -04:00
7ee0633b8cupdated to add gutenberg styles, some cleanup.
Jacob Haddon
2020-06-28 16:44:35 -04:00
d70267874cupdated the comments php and style to the new formats; first commit on new computer
Jacob Haddon
2020-06-16 18:40:49 -04:00
426f325bcfupdated all the function names from twentyten_ to melville_
Jacob Haddon
2020-03-27 16:27:21 -04:00
c03acb52aaadded in melville_theme_styles function to enqueue the styles, removing an issue where they were affecting admin
Jacob Haddon
2020-03-27 15:28:15 -04:00
7705fa81c7added top level menu item with styling
Jacob Haddon
2020-03-19 18:01:57 -04:00
0543e34fd9updated style.css with info; functions.php with enqueue; remvoed link from header
Jacob Haddon
2020-03-15 21:57:21 -04:00
ebb6c1fd64added new readme.md
Jacob Haddon
2020-03-15 10:36:09 -04:00
d6a0ff4db1initial commit
Jacob Haddon
2020-03-15 10:26:50 -04:00