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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>Daily Blackout Poetry Challenge</title>
Daily Blackout Poetry Challenge
html + Javascript
This presents a "page" from a novel and lets you make a blackout poem with it
using html2canvas you can save your poem as an image
you can copy the words below
texts are public domain from Project Gutenberg - https://www.gutenberg.org/
content licensed CC-BY-SA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
code license GPLv3.0 https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html
Code repository:
Written by Jacob Haddon https://jacobhaddon.com
this file uses:
* jQuery - https://jquery.com/ (MIT)
* html2canvas - https://html2canvas.hertzen.com/ (MIT)
* FileSaver - https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js (MIT)
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<script src="jquery-3.7.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="html2canvas.min.js"></script>
<script src="FileSaver.min.js"></script>
<script src="test3.js"></script>
// console.log(book.title);
// console.log(book.pages[14][6]);
// Make the header with the book info
$("#poem_header").html("<h2>" + book.title + "</h2>\n\n<h3>" + book.author + "</h3>\n");
// Add in the page, change the underscores to italics
$("#spina").html(book.pages[14][6].replace(/(_([a-z0-9]+)_)/ig, "<i>$2</i>"));
// format the text with span tags
$("#spina p").each(function( index ) {
let text = $( this ).html().split(" ");
let newText = [];
$.each( text , function(index, value ){
newText[index] = "<span>" + value + "</span>";
}); // each text
$( this ).html(newText.join(" "));
}); // each p
// lock the page to prevent edits
}); // lock button click
// make a screenshot
$("#screen").click(function() {
html2canvas(document.getElementById('poem'), {
scale: 3
}).then(function(canvas) {
canvas.toBlob(function(blob) {
window.saveAs(blob, "yourwebsite_screenshot.png");
}); // screen button click
// change for composition view
$("#blackout").click(function() {
$("#spina p span.click").toggleClass("clickDone");
// get today and format
const today = Date(Date.now());
todayFormatted = today.toString();
// add the byline
$("#byline").html("<p>blackout poem inspired by " + book.title + " by " + book.author + "</p><p>composed on: " + todayFormatted) + "</p>";
// toggle the text on the button
$(this).text(function(i, text) {
return text === "Blackout!" ? "Un-Blackout!": "Blackout!";
}); // blackout button click
// reset everything back
$("#spina p span.click").removeClass("click");
}); // clear button click
// show help section
}); // helpbtn toggle
// copy text from word bin
}); // copy text
// get today and format it
const today = Date(Date.now());
todayFormatted = today.toString();
// add the meta to the copyed text
var poem_meta = "#dailyBlackoutPoetryChallenge\n\n" + $("#poem_list").text() + "\n\n" + book.title + " - " + todayFormatted;
}); // copy text w/meta
// change the color of a clicked word; add/remove clicked word to list
$(document).on('click', "#spina.unlock p span", function(e){
// add the class to the clicked word
$( this ).toggleClass("click");
// make the list of words
let list = "";
$("#spina p span.click").each(function(index) {
list += " " + $(this).text();
}); //poem
// Add to the list, but strip out punctuation
$("#poem_list").html(list.replace(/[^a-z0-9 ]+/ig, ""));
}); //spina click
}); // document ready
<h1>Daily <span class="purple">Blackout</span> Poetry Challenge</h1>
<p>Your daily blackout poetry challenge! Make a poem, save the poem, share the poem! (Tag the poem: #dailyBlackoutPoetryChallenge)</p>
<p>Click on a word to select it, click on it again to unselect. When youve found your poem hit Blackout! Get a screen shot and copy the words below!</p>
<div id="poem_header"></div>
<button class="helpbtn btn btn-mn">Help</button> - <button id="clear" class="btn btn-mn">Start Over</button> - <button id="blackout" class="btn btn-mn">Blackout!</button> - <button id="screen" class="btn btn-mn">Save as image</button>
<main id="poem">
<div id="spina" class="unlock"></div>
<div id="byline"></div>
<h1>Copy Your <span class="purple">Words</span></h1>
<p>Copy the words you found here for alt-text, editing and archive! (Remember we dont keep anything, so once you close this page, this poem is gone!)</P>
<div id="copy_buttons">
<button id="copy_text" class="btn btn-mn">Copy</button>
<button id="copy_text_meta" class="btn btn-mn">Copy with meta</button>
<div id="poem_list"></div>
<p>This site made with <a href="https://jquery.com/">jQuery</a>, PHP and <a href="https://www.barebones.com/products/bbedit/">BBEdit</a> with help from <a href="https://espressoapp.com/">Espresso</a>.</p>
<p><a href="https://code.jacobhaddon.com/jake/smhn">Code</a> by Jacob Haddon - license <a href="https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html">GPLv3.0</a> - <a href="https://Apokrupha.com/BlackOut">Apokrupha.com/Blackout</a></p>
<!--Help Section-->
<div id="help" class="help">
<div class="help btn-hlp-bx">
<button class="btn btn-hlp helpbtn">Close</button>
<div class="helpwords">
<p>The challenge is simple&#8212;select words from this page of text and find a poem. From there you can save it as an image and share it. </p>
<p>You can copy the text below the page and use it as a starting point to write your own poem. </p>
<p>You can make as many poems as you want each day with the same page. So dont worry about messing up.</p>
<p>The page will be new each day. We have a bunch of different titles (see the list!). The pages are chosen at random, which means they will vary in content, which is a part of the challenge for you. </p>
<p>Make your posts with this hashtag so we can see you! </p>
<h2>Start Over</h2>
<p>This will reset everything back to the start. There is no undo! </p>
<p>This inverts your page, blacking out what you didnt choose, showing only what you did. It is now ready to be saved as an image!</p>
<h2>Save as Image</h2>
<p>This will save just the page portion of the site as a PNG file. </p>
<h1>What can I do with these poems / images / things</h1>
<p>Anything you want. </p>
<p>The text from these books is in the public domain, and you are free to use, remake, remix any way you want. </p>
<p>The images are yours and you make do what you wish. If you love us, let people know. But attribution is not required. </p>
<p>We do not track you. We do not collect any data. We do not save copies of your poems. The Javascript libraries and fonts are self-hosted to prevent others from using them to track you. </p>
<p>The only way we will know if you use our site is if you tell us!</p>
<p>webmaster@ </p>
<p>We are intolerant of intolerance. If you see something hateful, transphobic, homophobic, racist, or the like, let us know.</p>
<p>We didnt write any of the pages you see. While we do our best to pick works that dont have hateful or hurtful contexts, that doesnt mean that something could slip through. </p>
<p>If you see something, tell us, we will make it go away.</p>
<h1>Notes on Mobile</h1>
<p>The DBPC will work on your phone, but with some caveats. The screen shots are based on the actual size of the screen being used. </p>
<p>For best results, turn your phone landscape before taking the screenshot. </p>
<h1>Note on Poems!</h1>
<p>Since each day presents a limited canvas it is completely possible that two people will have the same, or very similar, words selected. Thats ok! This is a game to start your mind working. Your poem is still your poem even if someone else found it too! </p>