# Fediverse Post Display This displays posts from a JSON file exported from a fediverse account. Currently this supports JSON from a Calckey installation # Overview This is a simple Svelte app that takes an exported JSON file and displays the contents of the posts. There is styling for a dark mode. It uses the Vite template. More info here: https://svelte.dev/docs/introduction The output is a single HTML file with all the components making it easy to post or simply view later. Please update the contents of Header.svelte and Footer.svelte to make them your own. # Calkey 1. Export your posts via the Import/Export Data under Settings 2. Download the JSON file from your Drive 3. Copy the file to the SRC folder, rename it `notes.json` Note: the Calkey export does not contain links to boosts / reposts, nor the contents of quote posts # Build To run the files and test your setup and changes ``` npm run dev ``` To build the final ``` npm run build ``` this will build a single, self contained HTML file with all the inforamtion. # Acknowledgements Built with Svelte http://svelte.dev This uses Vite Singlefile Plugin (MIT License) https://github.com/richardtallent/vite-plugin-singlefile # License The code in this repository is GPL 3.0 The contents of notes.json is CC-BY-NC, Jacob Haddon (jacobhaddon.com)