Jacob Haddon jake
  • Joined on 2023-12-15
jake pushed to master at jake/fedidisplay 2023-12-21 21:33:26 -05:00
761b521d7e added Header and Footer files for easier configurations
jake created branch master in jake/fedidisplay 2023-12-21 21:09:34 -05:00
jake pushed to master at jake/fedidisplay 2023-12-21 21:09:34 -05:00
8beb03b32f first commit, working demo of Svelte displaying posts from a JSON file exported from Calckey
jake created repository jake/fedidisplay 2023-12-21 20:57:19 -05:00
jake created branch master in jake/sync.applescript 2023-12-17 14:29:59 -05:00
jake pushed to master at jake/sync.applescript 2023-12-17 14:29:59 -05:00
e20a94681b updated README
7bfd92edb3 Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/github/master'
f34f2edb1e updated version number, fixed a few things in README, updated script comments to match.
37476a3765 updated README to match changes in files
3db0d255ab file updated with if else command set up and tested.
Compare 10 commits »
jake created repository jake/sync.applescript 2023-12-17 14:24:57 -05:00