added singlefile plugin for npm build updated styling for all components, added dark mode updated README
Fediverse Post Display
This displays posts from a JSON file exported from a fediverse account.
Currently this supports JSON from a Calckey installation
This is a simple Svelte app that takes an exported JSON file and displays the contents of the posts. There is styling for a dark mode.
It uses the Vite template. More info here:
The output is a single HTML file with all the components making it easy to post or simply view later.
Please update the contents of Header.svelte and Footer.svelte to make them your own.
- Export your posts via the Import/Export Data under Settings
- Download the JSON file from your Drive
- Copy the file to the SRC folder, rename it
Note: the Calkey export does not contain links to boosts / reposts, nor the contents of quote posts
To run the files and test your setup and changes
npm run dev
To build the final
npm run build
this will build a single, self contained HTML file with all the inforamtion.
Built with Svelte
This uses Vite Singlefile Plugin (MIT License)
The code in this repository is GPL 3.0
The contents of notes.json is CC-BY-NC, Jacob Haddon (